I love blogs. I love to read blogs, I love to follow blogs, I love to write blogs, well, sort of. I let my first attempt at my bloggingness to be interrupted by my hectic schedule and rough Spring. Lots of things got in the way of really showing you guys what I'm made of. So here goes my second chance.
I realized that I literally go months without talking to some of my friends, MONTHS. How are they to know how I am doing? I *thankfully* am able to keep up with some of my them (shamefully) through their blogs. Shouldn't I show the same courtesy? Shouldn't there be a way that my mother KNOWS that I am alive and well even though she's called me 20 times (in an hour) and I haven't been able to get to my phone?
How neat is it to have an online journal and memory book? And not just one that I can enjoy but others (hopefully) can and will too.
My life as of late has been supercharged going 100 MPH in the fast lane of I-45, well, Sam Houston Ave really. I am in my 2ND year of grad school (finishing in August, THANK GOODNESS) and working about a bajillion hours a week planning events for the President at SHSU, the best job a girl could ask for. Those two things coupled with my attempt at a social life keeps me pretty busy. I hope to make a few "pit stops" (ok, getting corny I know, just deal with it, it's my intro blog) and fill you guys in on what's going on in my *fab* world. What I'm doing, what I'm loving at the moment, what I'm frustrated with, you know all those insider secrets you would only know if you were a little mini person sitting on my shoulder day to day.
Get ready, this will be fun.
Tomorrow is the President's annual Fall Festival at Gibbs Ranch, it's finally Fall, sort of. The 90 degree weather isn't making it so fallish, but I guess that's Texas for ya!