Last year I figured out I could Google 'Black Friday Ads' and I could find them at the beginning of NOVEMBER! This made the planning SO much easier (and detailed)! SO what do you know? I started my Christmas shopping today, with the help of Amazon.com and decided to check on my trusty Black Friday ads, to see if they were posted. AND THEY ARE WOOOOHOOOO!! Check out: http://www.blackfriday2010.com/ for this year's deals.
I do want to say, it's not the deals that I go for on Black Friday, it's the tradition. I love going EARLY in the morning with the lil baby, it's something we look forward to every year. She gets cheap DVDs, I cross a few people off my list, it's a fun filled day... now if only I could find a way to avoid all the other shoppers out there...
Here are a few "rules and regs" I came up with for Black Friday:
- Always have a buddy system. This will help for two reasons: First, there is someone there to talk to when you're waiting in line outside of Target at 3am for 5 hours and Secondly, it's two more hands to punch out the crazy lady you're fighting for that last Ipod Touch or GPS, or whatever your "coveted" item is that year.
- Always bring snacks with you. You're crazy if you stop for snacks at the Food Court or in a restaraunt for two reasons: 1) You think the line for that new Sony TV is long? Wait until you see the line for the Corn Dogs and 2) Why waste precious Sony TV buying time for Corn Dog standing in line time? No thanks.
- Have a mapped out plan. Figure out what your priorities are. Start with the items you know will sell out quickly-go to those places with the best deals first. Then work your way down. Little children's toys seem to stick around, but not the expensive ones.
- Always bring your ads with you. This will help for two reasons. When it's 4am and the store opens, you won't need your photographic memory to remember what is what for who and secondly, if the store clerk tries to argue that you're wrong, you have proof you're always right.
- Walmart, Walmart, Walmart. The lil baby and me always try to go to Walmart about 10PM on Thanksgiving night to compare what's in other people's ads to what Walmart has in the store. Walmart accepts competitors prices so sometimes it can be a one stop shop for you. A few years ago the lil baby and me found Weeds Season 3 (for my mom) in the Hastings ad for like $10 but Walmart was selling it for $50, we just showed them the Hastings ad and bada bing.
- Stay safe. Bottom line people get crazy- don't become crazy and don't mix your self with the crazies.
Do any of you guys embark on the sometimes scary Black Friday?
I hate Black Friday (no offense, I just really like sleep and am not kind that early), but it seems as if I will be going this year to Target.... that website posted their ad, and the camera I have been coveting for months is on sale from 249 to 129. 4am, here I come.