Friday, December 3, 2010


Yes, it's Friday, wait, are we sure? Yes! It is FRIDAY! But I'm not thanking God or Goodness or Gosh or any other G-words that it's Friday in my post title. And I'm not hungry for TGI Fridays... nor will I ever be, another story, another time. I'm doing something a little different. I saw this on my friend Nicole's blog over at a Mighty Courage. She found it on another blog, called Ordinary Courage and I just think it's a neat thing to reflect on, on a happy day like FRIDAY.

TGIF stands for Trust, Gratitude, and Inspiration Friday.

Today, I am trusting in myself, that I will wake up tomorrow morning at 8AM. On my sleep-in day. But let's be honest in the past 3 years I can probably count on my fingers and toes how many times I've actually slept past 8ishAM. I need to clean my car out and I promised myself I'd do it tonight, while Andy is at work, but I let Tivo distract me. So I'm trusting myself, to set the alarm, actually GET OUT OF BED, and do it. The getting out of bed part is the hardest because it's just so snuggly and warm under the covers in the morning, who wants to leave such a cozy, inviting space? Not me. Ever. But I have to. Tomorrow.

Today, I am gracious for the absolute beautiful weather. Andy came by the office today and wanted to go to lunch, so we picked up something on campus, and ATE OUTSIDE, at a picnic table. It was cute and perfect and made the day a bit brighter... wait, that was probably the sun shining so bright... by any means it was a perfect afternoon lunch.

Today, I am inspired by blogs. I'm in the process of  making a MAJOR purchase and when I say MAJOR, I mean MAJOR as in the MAJOREST (yes, I made this word up) of them all. I don't want to come out and say it outright just yet, but I think all my readers are pretty smart and can figure out what THE MAJOREST purchase is. Anywho, I've been blog hunting stalkng and finding inspiration. I have a folder on my computer titled: "Major Inspiration." I also clip the pictures out of magazines I want to hold on to, especially right now during the holidays. Mmmmm... wait until you see my future ta... oh wait, I'm not going to finish that sentence just yet.

Linds and me are going to the Christmas Fair on the Square tomorrow in Huntsvegas. Who knew we had such a thing? This will be my first year and I just learned about it a mere 48 hours ago. But you can't hold me back! Plus, I'm excited to spend the day with my fave Yankee, as Andy would so dearly call her. Then Sunday, will be a study day for a final presentation I have Tuesday. OH AND I'm making Andy and me a delicious dinner from The Pioneer Woman's cookbook. Prepared to be amazed. Hmm... I might have just changed my mind to cook something else... Hmmm... I'm not sure, you'll just have to come find out. Hope you all have a fab weekend.



1 comment:

    I didn't know you had a blog! Make that THREE followers!
