Friday, December 17, 2010
Another Friday
Trust, I trust that everyone will really remember the reason for the season. We passed the Woodlands Mall earlier and it was PACKED. I get caught up in the gift buying too. I just have to remember why we celebrate this joyous season.
Gratitude, thanks to Andy for making tonight purely perfect. Best date night in awhile! He makes me happy happy, i'm a lucky girl.
Inspiration, my boss inspires me everyday to strive to do my best every week, it inspires me to grow into a young professional.
Short, lame post. More tomorrow hopefully.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
TGIF! Sort of.
Another Friday, another week over AND the closer we get to Christmas! I'm just waiting for that break, it's going to be soooo relaxing. I have lots of plans to read books, build furniture, and work on [other people's] wedding plans. Alex and me [and a few others] found her reception venue yesterday YAY! I know she feels relieved now that she has that down and a set date. The venue is perfect for her and exactly what she was looking for. I went to my Godparent's last night and my cousin Matt and his fiance Crystal picked out their save the dates from me. We all had fun talking for a good 2 hours. Matt is going to make their wedding a crazy party, but not if Crystal has anything to do with it. No Thong Song, right guys? They are fun and he is so much like Andy it's scary haha. ;-D
If any of you guys are getting married out there and need some help planning the process/day of coordinator/or even some special wedding products [invites & stamps] give me a call or email. You can check out Meredith and mine's website here: BrickWood Events If you need some invites or save the dates ask me about some special pricing just because you read my blog :-D
Now on to my TGIF post:
Trust. Today I trust that I will finalllllly figure out something to get Andy for Christmas. I'm getting down to the wire and I'm not sure what to get him anymore... BOO.
Gratitude. Today I feel grateful for the way that my mama raised me. I was telling my fam last night that as I was driving to town I was thinking about all the weird quirks my mom has taught me to believe is the norm. I just feel so blessed for the way I was raised. My mama did a pretty good job... all on her own.
Inspiration. I just watched on the news how an anonymous "elf" put $5,500 in a Salvation Army bellringer bucket... not leaving his name or anything. Doesn't this inspire you to act selfless and modestly? You don't need recognition for your good deeds, the only person that that's important to knows, because He is all knowing. Inspires me to do kind meaningful things and not to get credit from it but to do it because it's the right thing to do.
Well, I just heard my mama come into the house, singing, she's in a good mood today haha I love visiting home, but only when she's singing.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
i heart sundays.
The first thing I do on Sunday mornings when I wake up is check the sale ads. I LOVED it when we got The Chronicle delivered, but that for some reason has stopped. I don't know what it is about newsprint mixed with coffee, but it just makes the morning special. I'm a nerd, deal with it, you must like me a little if you're reading this. Anywho, now that the paper has disappeared I have resorted to my computer. Which I find at least five bajillion things I need and usually restrict myself to only purchase one sale ad item per week. Am I the only one out there that has a relationship with Sunday ads? Anyone else? Anyone?
The weekend was good. For the first time, in a looooooong time, I actually had quite a bit of down time. I stayed in the fabulous Huntsvegas and Linds came to visit, I showed her around the square yesterday afternoon. The Christmas Fair on the Square was a big fat flop. Luckily, I wasn't going with a purpose. I have my Christmas list DONE, except for Andy. Dang. He's been the hard one this year. Uggggh. Any ideas?
Andy and me rain checked me cooking tonight for tomorrow because his parents came to town and we had a late late lunch. Plus, he's working tonight, so I would have felt rushed. I hate it when he has to work nights at the gym. But it's his job and those are super hard to come by these days, so I should be thankful!
This should be an easy week this week. Check back tomorrow for a special spotlight I am going to do starting every Monday. It'll be fun and cute and hopefully you will think so too! Have a great week ya'll.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Yes, it's Friday, wait, are we sure? Yes! It is FRIDAY! But I'm not thanking God or Goodness or Gosh or any other G-words that it's Friday in my post title. And I'm not hungry for TGI Fridays... nor will I ever be, another story, another time. I'm doing something a little different. I saw this on my friend Nicole's blog over at a Mighty Courage. She found it on another blog, called Ordinary Courage and I just think it's a neat thing to reflect on, on a happy day like FRIDAY.
TGIF stands for Trust, Gratitude, and Inspiration Friday.
Today, I am trusting in myself, that I will wake up tomorrow morning at 8AM. On my sleep-in day. But let's be honest in the past 3 years I can probably count on my fingers and toes how many times I've actually slept past 8ishAM. I need to clean my car out and I promised myself I'd do it tonight, while Andy is at work, but I let Tivo distract me. So I'm trusting myself, to set the alarm, actually GET OUT OF BED, and do it. The getting out of bed part is the hardest because it's just so snuggly and warm under the covers in the morning, who wants to leave such a cozy, inviting space? Not me. Ever. But I have to. Tomorrow.
Today, I am gracious for the absolute beautiful weather. Andy came by the office today and wanted to go to lunch, so we picked up something on campus, and ATE OUTSIDE, at a picnic table. It was cute and perfect and made the day a bit brighter... wait, that was probably the sun shining so bright... by any means it was a perfect afternoon lunch.
Today, I am inspired by blogs. I'm in the process of making a MAJOR purchase and when I say MAJOR, I mean MAJOR as in the MAJOREST (yes, I made this word up) of them all. I don't want to come out and say it outright just yet, but I think all my readers are pretty smart and can figure out what THE MAJOREST purchase is. Anywho, I've been blog
Linds and me are going to the Christmas Fair on the Square tomorrow in Huntsvegas. Who knew we had such a thing? This will be my first year and I just learned about it a mere 48 hours ago. But you can't hold me back! Plus, I'm excited to spend the day with my fave Yankee, as Andy would so dearly call her. Then Sunday, will be a study day for a final presentation I have Tuesday. OH AND I'm making Andy and me a delicious dinner from The Pioneer Woman's cookbook. Prepared to be amazed. Hmm... I might have just changed my mind to cook something else... Hmmm... I'm not sure, you'll just have to come find out. Hope you all have a fab weekend.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December, say WHAT?
These last 2 weeks have been great. Thanksgiving could not have come at a better time. It was relaxing and full of family and Andy (and the Klepac family). To say it was perfect is an understatement. I made HOMEMADE whipped cream for the first time in my life AND it was awesome. I'm trying my hand at this cooking thing lately... I guess so that I can fill Andy's belly here in Huntsvegas like his mama does for us when we are back home... she is an amazing cook and I hope I can be one-tenth as good as her someday. Practice makes perfect. I think I am going to try and get a little more trendy with my blog and create, for now, three sections of info... maybe this will make me use it more?
- Updates- what's going on, what I'm loving at the moment, basically my ramblings... hey i like ramblings, maybe that's what I'll call it :-D
- Recipes- like mentioned above, I'm trying to become world class, my mama doesn't cook AT ALL so I have to make up for that, so people don't just give us the salad to bring to potluck meals anymore... because that's about all my mama can do.
- Events- obviously I have the world's best job and why not showcase what we do? I am going to use this page as a bragging board for our creative and successful events. And maybe some hiccups in the way so that all may learn from them. Let's call this page.... Eventfully.
First, I just need to figure out how to revamp my blog to do these things...
Back to updates. Black Friday shopping was a TREMENDOUS success!! I got lots of $5 blu-rays, lots of gifts marked off my list for those who have been nice. Just a little left to go with only 23 days left until Christmas! I just can't wait. 2 weeks off from work with no school or anything to worry about... I think I might actually read a book. Any book suggestions?
Happy Thursday guys!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hunting... for shoes, not animals.

They are shown here in black....
I want some BAD...
Two questions for you TWO followers I have... I guess that is partly my own fault for not advertising my blog, any who *KNOCK KNOCK* get back on track Cameron...
- Do any of you understand my need for this perfect (in season, trending, lovely) pair of boots?
- Have you heard about Shoedazzle? If not, you need to ask me about it, it will rock your world, especially yours Kendall. Ask me about it and I can save you 20% off your first shoe selection. LOVE IT!
Happy Monday everyone! Maggie and mine's world is going to be ROCKED to the core this week. Hope we make it out alive!!
I'll update you all soon on my weekend and what not. Too busy now, shouldn't even be doing this! haha
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
My Favorite Friday!

Last year I figured out I could Google 'Black Friday Ads' and I could find them at the beginning of NOVEMBER! This made the planning SO much easier (and detailed)! SO what do you know? I started my Christmas shopping today, with the help of and decided to check on my trusty Black Friday ads, to see if they were posted. AND THEY ARE WOOOOHOOOO!! Check out: for this year's deals.
I do want to say, it's not the deals that I go for on Black Friday, it's the tradition. I love going EARLY in the morning with the lil baby, it's something we look forward to every year. She gets cheap DVDs, I cross a few people off my list, it's a fun filled day... now if only I could find a way to avoid all the other shoppers out there...
Here are a few "rules and regs" I came up with for Black Friday:
- Always have a buddy system. This will help for two reasons: First, there is someone there to talk to when you're waiting in line outside of Target at 3am for 5 hours and Secondly, it's two more hands to punch out the crazy lady you're fighting for that last Ipod Touch or GPS, or whatever your "coveted" item is that year.
- Always bring snacks with you. You're crazy if you stop for snacks at the Food Court or in a restaraunt for two reasons: 1) You think the line for that new Sony TV is long? Wait until you see the line for the Corn Dogs and 2) Why waste precious Sony TV buying time for Corn Dog standing in line time? No thanks.
- Have a mapped out plan. Figure out what your priorities are. Start with the items you know will sell out quickly-go to those places with the best deals first. Then work your way down. Little children's toys seem to stick around, but not the expensive ones.
- Always bring your ads with you. This will help for two reasons. When it's 4am and the store opens, you won't need your photographic memory to remember what is what for who and secondly, if the store clerk tries to argue that you're wrong, you have proof you're always right.
- Walmart, Walmart, Walmart. The lil baby and me always try to go to Walmart about 10PM on Thanksgiving night to compare what's in other people's ads to what Walmart has in the store. Walmart accepts competitors prices so sometimes it can be a one stop shop for you. A few years ago the lil baby and me found Weeds Season 3 (for my mom) in the Hastings ad for like $10 but Walmart was selling it for $50, we just showed them the Hastings ad and bada bing.
- Stay safe. Bottom line people get crazy- don't become crazy and don't mix your self with the crazies.
Do any of you guys embark on the sometimes scary Black Friday?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Where did last week go?
Wellll a lot has happened since my last post...
First of all, I lost the DANG pumpkin carving contest this year. I was super rushed and didn't even get to pick out the exact pumpkin I wanted to carve but these are not excuses. Andy won fair and square... but just know that it is ON next year!
The lil baby (what I call my 18 (almost 19) year old sister Kayli) was rushed to the hospital on Monday for apparent appendicitis. She had to stay over in the hospital to do testing and what not. Come to find out she had a ruptured ovarian cyst which did not require surgery PRAISE the Lord! She is doing better, from what I can tell.
Thursday, was my Aunt's birthday (who passed away in April). I miss her everyday. I can't believe we've made it 7 months without her- I guess it just shows how strong our family is and how much we love eachother. I am lucky to have the family I have. (this is me breathing in the roses)
The first half of my weekend was full of work of course, but the second half was full of family which totally made up for it.
My 2 new obsessions of the week (because we all know these change weekly):
- - Andy said he'd help with my first building project... be looking for the progress on that soon :-D
- StumbleUpon - Holy cow... if I didn't have enough time as it was, the lil baby (Kayli) introduced to me this amazing way to surf the web for things you like. I've already learned a million things and love love love it. I try to stay away from it during the week.
Tomorrow I'll upload pictures from the past week or so... including the lovely Halloween pictures and my crap pumpkin :-(
Friday, October 29, 2010
ahhh weekend

I am headed home to see my mama in the good ol' bcs. I'm pretty sure Halloween is her favorite holiday so it is a must that I be there, so I'm excited. PLUS I haven't been home in almost 2 months so it's time. She's already called to ask about snack choices, I love my mom!
My favorite Halloween ritual is to carve pumpkins. Andy and I have done it the past couple of years and I'm excited for it this weekend again. I just would like to point out that my pumpkins are always better than his.
Hope all you lovelies have a wonderful "holiday" weekend as well. Keep it classy with those costumes ;-D
Look for fun pictures from our weekend on Monday.
**Also stay tuned for a potentially LARGE announcement coming soon**
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Battle of the Piney Woods
Andy and me started our day at the Honda of Houston store off 290! Of course we had to fit dirtbikes into our football packed day, just so he could remind me which was the better sport! It was neat for me to see the massive store... it made him want a red bike.
We then headed to tailgate for a bit before we had to head up to the Tejas Suite where my office was throwing a pre-game party before the game. This was the neatest part. With our all-access passes we were able to go "behind the scenes" at Reliant. Not everyday to you get to do that. Andy liked the player weight training room the best. I liked walking out the tunnel onto the field!
ARAMARK (our catering company on campus) rented a suite in the stadium to hosts friends and what not during the game. We were so lucky enough to be guests in their suite. We had great seats, great food, and great drinks... we truly felt so special. It was the best way to watch the game for sure. Can't wait for next year!
Here are some pictures from our *fab* day:
This was from our seats in the suite, it was the PERFECT way to watch the game.
I guess it should be said that the Bearkats did lose the game, but only by 3 points. They played with their hearts for sure and it showed! Our guys have made such a HUGE improvement since last year with the help of a new coach. Even though we did lose it did not put a damper on the fun.
We will Axe those Jacks next year.